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Q Code PDF Print E-mail
Written by YCØVM Donni Hanafi
Wednesday, 09 August 2006
QRAName of station
QRBApproximate distance from your station to mine
QRCAccounts for charges to station liquidated by xxx private company
QRDWhere are you going; I am going to xxx
QRENationality of station
QRFWhere do you come from; I come from xxx
QRGYour exact wavelength in meters or frequency in kilocycles
QRHMy exact wavelength of frequency
QRIIs my tone bad; my tone is bad
QRJCannot receive you, signals too weak
QRKReceive you well, signals good
QRLAre you busy; I am busy
QRMBeing interfered with
QRNTroubled by atmospherics
QROIncrease power
QRPDecrease power
QRQSend faster
QRSSend more slowly
QRTStop sending
QRUHave you anything for me; I have nothing for you
QRVSend series of Vs
QRWAdvise xxx that I am calling him
QRXMust I wait; wait!
QRYWhich is my turn; your turn is xxx
QRZWho is calling me; you a being called by xxx
QSAStrength of signal (1-5)
QSBStrength of signal varies
QSCSignal disappears entirely at intervals
QSDIs my keying bad; keying is bad
QSESignals distinct? Signals run together
QSFAutomatic transmission good? Automatic transmission fades out
QSGTransmit telegrams by series of 5, 10, or xx
QSHSend telegram one at a time
QSISend telegrams in alternate order without repetitions
QSJCharge to be collected per word
QSKSuspend traffic and call again at (time)
QSLAcknowledgement of receipt
QSMReceived acknowledgement of receipt
QSNCan you receive me now; cannot receive you now
QSOCan you/I can communicate with xxx
QSPRelay free of charge
QSQSend each word or group once
QSRDistress call from xxx has been attended to by yyy
QSUSend on xxx meters (kilocycles) waves of Type A1, A2, A3, or B
QSVShift to wave of xxx meters (kilocycles) for rest of communications
QSWI will send on xxx meters (kilocycles) waves of Type A1, A2, A3, or B
QSXWavelength (frequency) varies
QSYSend on xxx meters (kilocycles) without changing type of wave
QSZSend each word or group twice
QTACancel telegram # xxx if not yet sent
QTBAgree with word count? I do not agree with word count
QTCNumber of telegrams sent
QTDWord count that you are confirming is accepted
QTETrue bearing is xxx degrees
QTFPosition of your station based on bearings is xxx
QTG1 minute call signal for radio compass bearings
QTHPosition in latitude/longitude (or any other indication)
QTITrue course
QTJSpeed in knots
QTKTrue bearing relative to me is xxx degrees
QTLSending signals to permit bearing with respect to the radio beacon
QTMSending radio and submarine sound signals to permit bearing and distance
QTNCannot take bearing of your station
QTPGoing to enter dock or port
QTRExact time
QTSTrue bearing of my station relative to you
QTUStation open from xxx to yyy (times)